Urethral Prolapse Exercises

Urethral Prolapse (Urethrocele) is a condition in which the inner lining of the urethra, the tube that carries urine out of the body, presses against the anterior vaginal wall and sticks out of the vaginal opening. It is a type of pelvic organ prolapse.

You may leak a little when you laugh, cough, or jump. In pregnancy and childbirth, frequent constipation can weaken the muscles and tissues as well as we age.

The Buff Muff App has pelvic floor exercises that can help to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, reduce symptoms, and may play a role in preventing the progression of Urethral Prolapse. Best of all, you are part of a community of women who understand what you are going through and where you can ask questions etc.

Urethral Prolapse effects mothers and chidren

What are the benefits of Uterine Prolapse Exercises?

  • Help to identify, tighten, and release your pelvic floor muscles.

  • Laugh again without worry of embarrassing leaks.

  • Increases social confidence and quality of life.

  • Strengthen your core so you can run, jump (and have great sex) without fear.

  • Improve or eliminate constipation.

Become a part of the Buff Muff Community of supportive women who have been or are going through the same things you are!

Let’s Get Started!

The 28-Day Challenge and Buff Muff Membership

I recommend checking out my comprehensive pelvic health education and fitness programs on my Buff Muff App. The most complete Pelvic Floor & Kegel exercise App to strengthen the pelvic floor.

The Buff Muff 28-Day Challenge (housed in the App) gets you started, and the Annual membership keeps you progressing so you can laugh, run, jump, and lift without the pesky leaks and annoying discomfort of prolapse symptoms.