Buff Muff Prenatal Program

Birth is a very physically and emotionally demanding event, and just like we would train for a marathon, we need to train for birth!

Whether you are about to become pregnant or have just had a baby, we have developed an app-based program to help you strengthen your core to ease childbirth or help you recover faster post-pregnancy.

Preparing for a big event is essential. Mind and body need to be ready for the big day and also for recovery. Pre and post-natal fitness are imperative.

Would you run a marathon without training for it?

Runners train for months, if not years, to prepare for the big race and to cross the finish line no matter what. Training your body to go through the birthing process should be considered in the same way, but we – as women- often think of birth as a natural process that simply happens on its own.

True, birth happens on its own, but how we prepare for it makes all the difference. Someone who hasn't trained well wouldn't do well in a marathon. Her body wouldn't be able to keep up with the physical demand, and injuries would occur. 

The same simple concept occurs with birth. Without physical preparation, we would be unable to keep up with the substantial demands that the birthing process puts on the body.

What more significant event will you ever prepare for than the birth of your baby? 

The crazy thing is that labour IS like 4-6 marathons, and you want the best plan when training for your birthing marathon.

Having a supportive team is very important - someone who can support you and help you during the months leading up to labour and delivery. You don't need a lot of people, but you DO want the right people! And just like an actual marathon - the proper trainer/training.

The Buff Muff Prenatal program applies the fitness principle of specificity to labour and birth prep. You need to train for your big event using movement and exercise that is as close to the event as possible.

Buff Muff Prenatal gives you essential information about your pelvic floor and abdomen in birth AND recovery. The program includes educational videos, exercises (both strengthening and stretching), targeted info and techniques for the pelvic floor (beyond just 'do your Kegels') and the abdomen - have you heard of diastasis recti?

Plus, you get a full recovery protocol because, like any major event, you need to factor in the recovery.

The Buff Muff Prenatal program is in the Buff Muff App and has everything to prepare you for your best birth and support your ongoing pelvic health. It can be done at any point in pregnancy, and the sooner you start, the more time you have to implement the exercises.


Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Surgery


Your Core and Pelvic Floor