Hypopressives also called Low-Pressure Fitness

Hypopressive exercises are an ideal option for pelvic floor dysfunction associated with incontinence, prolapse, and sexual dysfunction.

The technique was developed in Spain around 2012 and is a training system that combines low pressure postures, breath training, myofascial stretching and neurodynamics (communication between different parts of the nervous system and to the nervous systems relationship to the musculoskeletal system).

A 2020 study compares the Effectiveness of Hypopressive Exercises in Women with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction.

The body is trained without increasing intra-abdominal pressure and directly targets the deep core musculature as a unit using postural and respiratory tasks.

It is similar to Uddiyana Bandha in yoga. Uddiyana means to ‘go up’ and banha means ‘body lock’. It stretches the respiratory diaphragm, which spans between the chest and abdomen and attaches to the base of the rib cage and lumbar spine.

In a hypopressive posture, after a deep, full exhale, the breath is held and the ribs expand and open causing an expansion of the thorax while the glottis remains closed. This creates a negative pressure response that draws the relaxed diaphragm up. The relaxed abdominal wall is also passively drawn in and up.

low pressure hypopressives

It is done as a series of postures that are considered low pressure meaning they do not increase intra-abdominal pressure. The rhythmic breathing pattern is added along with the breath hold called an apnea. It elicits an involuntary response that draws the pelvic viscera up and the abdomen in and up.It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

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There is a telltale sign of success when the belly button is drawn up. This influences the urachus ligament, a tubular structure that stretches from the apex of the bladder and connects to the umbilicus.

This is the reason why hypopressives are so effective for bladder prolapse (cystocele or anterior wall prolapse). Those with rectocele also benefit from the technique, although it does take longer for change to happen.

Benefits can be felt in posture, energy, incontinence, prolapse, back pain, constipation, and digestion.

Hypopressive Exercises Program

The Hypopressive exercise program is available in the Buff Muff App on both the iPhone and Android. This program is designed to help you implement what you learn and also help you make pelvic floor exercise a priority.

Hypopressives are a little bit different than your typical exercise. They are a bit more precise, and you will need to count. The following is the learning video and one of many poses and workouts included in the Hypopressive program. This is a great starting pose when starting hypopressives. Great postural exercise, it helps improve pelvic floor function, and it also tones the abdominal wall.

The Hypopressive Program is available whenever you want, wherever you want and includes:

  • Educational videos that teach you the background of the technique as well as how to do it.

  • Exercise videos of the top hypopressive poses that target your core and pelvic floor in a way you have never felt.

  • Guided workouts.

    The 28-Day Challenge and Buff Muff Membership

    I recommend checking out my comprehensive pelvic health education and fitness programs on my Buff Muff App. The most complete Pelvic Floor & Kegel exercise App to strengthen the pelvic floor.

    The Buff Muff 28-Day Challenge (housed in the App) gets you started, and the Annual membership keeps you progressing so you can laugh, run, jump, and lift without the pesky leaks and annoying discomfort of prolapse symptoms.


Can I exercise with Incontinence?


Pelvic Health 101